About High Impact Business with Elian Tyson

It is my mission to help women entrepreneurs get unstuck to
build a business of their dreams to get them on the path to self-sufficiency. If
you work a side hustle business alongside your full-time gig, you owe it to
yourself and your family to put in the focus, determination, and work to build
it so you can quit your 9-5.

Your business, on your terms, your way. God laid a vision on
your heart. Now it’s time to step into your power and fulfill that vision.

Being tired, worn out, uninspired and in the doldrums about
your business isn’t helping anyone. Not yourself, not your kids, and not those
in your circle. When life goes awry, as it always does, you need to be in the
position to take care of yourself. Whether it’s a divorce, death of a loved
one, sickness or an accident, you need to be financially secure so you can make
your next move.

How do I know all this? I’ve been there. When I needed to
step out from my 9-5 commitment, I couldn’t. Why? Because I didn’t keep
building my side hustle. I kept starting and stopping. I let excuses keep me
from my dreams. Some of my excuses were “I’m tired. I’ve worked hard all day. I
need a rest”.

I finally drew the line, sucked it up, relied on God,
rallied my team (husband, family, and circle), and said enough was enough, it’s
time to make a change!

Is it easy? No. I’ve cried and been on an emotional roller
coaster… some days up and some days down. But you know what? I know my goals, I
know it’s worth it, and each day gets easier and easier. Each day is better. I
know I’m making progress and getting closer to my dream and goals.

I want this for you too! So I encourage you to follow along
as I share strategies for achieving your goals. I provide education,
encouragement and community. I can’t wait to get to know you and hear your
story. Keep reaching for the stars!